Some useful tweaks to the frequency standard and power supply
The FY6900 is a very versatile while relatively low-cost function generator. It has two independent signal sources each with a plethora of output waveforms and it also provides a frequency counter facility. The version I bought was specified to 60MHz and the cost was sub GBP100. It has a somewhat clunky user interface with a single-entry knob for settings but this can be supplemented with a USB PC graphical interface. While not the most sexy of instruments I have grown to appreciate it as a really useful cost effective addition to my electronics workshop.

While working on a clock related project, I had the feeling that the FY6900 displayed frequency did not necessarily accurately match other sources. As the unit does not have an input for an external frequency standard this made cross checking analysis difficult. Download the PDF below to read my notes on fitting an external reference input socket and also upgrading the 10MHz internal reference.
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