I had a ChatGPT experience

I am currently working on a timing synchroniser for the local church clock. Being of that generation I had come up with a CMOS based phase detector with monostable timers etc. This logic looks at the relative timing of the clock strike activation and a DCF timecode reference clock. I prototyped the circuitry, proved it and made a PCB for it in Fusion. It works very well and the resulting output slows or speeds up the clock by adding or removing lead shot to the weight tray on the clock pendulum.

I got my ear bent for being so old school and not using an Arduino or similar but I was reluctant to stray from known and proven simple logic with RC time constants. In the end I caved in and out of curiosity thought it might be a good project to get my feet wet with ChatGPT.

It took a little while to find my way round the ChatGPT site and to get to the software support section. Once there I entered in simple language what I was trying to achieve. ‘It’ replied with its understanding of my needs and I agreed this was correct. I then asked for some code for an Arduino UNO.

Out popped 44 lines of Arduino code …. which worked. Oh my goodness, what a revelation. Think I need to have a cup of tea and biscuit to recover. Like Fusion and 3D printing, this is going to completely change my workflow and project practices.

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Fusion Sheet Metal model export as PDF

The Sheet Metal module in Fusion allows you to create a 3D model of a folded sheet metal part and then ‘flatten’ the model to provide a net shape with fold lines. It is quite easy to use and impressive in the results you can achieve. The model can be adjusted for different metal types and their properties. The resulting flat net can then be exported as a DXF to send off to a laser or water cutting sub contractor.

The Fusion Sheet Metal module only allows the flat net data to be exported as a DXF file. This is not surprising as this is the most common data file request from sub contractors. That having been said I recently had a request for a PDF file which at first glance is not an export option in the Sheet Metal module. One solution was to use a web based DXF to PDF converter but this could be potentially unreliable in the conversion result.

A less obvious solution is once you have created the unfolded (flat) net, open the Drawing module in Fusion and use the From Design option.

This will load the unfolded net into a Fusion Drawing with the ability to be exported in PDF format. This is quite a useful export route to take as you can dimension and annotate the drawing in more detail than would be possible in the standard DXF format export from the Sheet Metal module.

The use of this Drawing module export route is going to be fairly rare but it is a useful option to know about and have up your sleeve.

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The SINO SDS2MS is a relatively old DRO control and display box. The owner of the unit brought it to me for a ‘look at’ after it had suddenly died after many years of faithful service. The internals consisted of a power supply and a PCB motherboard. The feed from the power supply was a two wire connection and the PCB clearly stated this was 5V. I isolated the connection and measured the power supply in isolation which revealed the power supply was only delivering 3V. Feeding the motherboard direct from a bench power supply at 5V brought the unit back to life. Current drawn was around 1 Amp.

I had in stock a MakerHut 5V/2A power supply that would physically swap out for the original power supply. I have used a lot of the MakerHut PSUs and found them to be very reliable. So problem solved, unit back up and running.

Reading around about the SINO units, it seems the power supply is the most common mode of failure. Comparing the size of the old PSU and the replacement unit gives an indication of how technology has changed.

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3D Printed Jigs to the rescue

I have been struggling with seeing where I am going on my Polly V live steam locomotive on the Club raised level track. It is the time of year where the cold weather quickly condenses the exhaust stream and you end up heading into a ‘white out’. This is not too bad if you trust the track but if there are ‘hokey cokey’ sections where your weight distribution is critical to remaining on the track it can be a bit unnerving and not good for your underwear.

I resolved to solve this before the New Year’s Day running session by making an exhaust diverter. I sketched this up in Fusion to use 32mm (1.25″) brass pipe forming a simple 120 degree Y shape. (The chimney bore down to the petticoat is 32mm).

The design was easy to model in Fusion but did require me to revisit the ‘plane on a path’ function. I first printed a 3D model of the diverter and this fitted nicely down the funnel. The next problem was going to be cutting the 30 degree angles on the end of the brass tubes. What was needed was some means of holding the tubes in the bandsaw so they could be flipped 180 degrees while making the 30 degree cuts and while also maintaining the protruding length. It struck me that I just needed a 32mm bore Stephenson Collet block with a reference edge – something not currently to hand nor in regular demand in my workshop. Then galloping over the horizon came my Qidi X Smart 3 demanding to provide one.

Back to Fusion and a few quick sketches gave me a model to hold the tube with a grub screw grip and with a reference placement lip on the front edge of the block. This worked a treat and I quickly had the three pieces of brass tube cut to length and mitred ready for assembly.

The preparation ended up being the easy part as I now had to hold all three pieces carefully in position while I braized them together. I reverted to three pieces of wooden rod gripped in each tube and the rod in turn fastened down onto my brazing hearth bricks. Crude but effective albeit potentially a fire risk.

The moral to the story is that in the past I would never have considered machining up a relatively large block of metal just to cut six mitres on some brass tubing. 3D printing has completely changed my approach to model engineering and the PLA recycle bin is now busier than the metal recycle bin (that used to contain not just swarf but also those ‘didn’t quite get it right’ rejected parts). It is not only this change but also the ability to get on with something else while the 3D printer creates your solution or path to a solution or just your ‘I wonder if that would work’ dreaming.

Result – I can now see where I am going as I chug round the raised level track and my laundry bill is much reduced. Here are some final images.

Just a closing thought while in Fusion mode – how about a more flexible version ?

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Drawing a parabola in Fusion

This is an interesting one and I admit to not fully understanding the result.

The conic curve function in Fusion allows you to set the two end points of a conic curve and then ‘pull back’ the curve to its apex and enter the rho value. When the rho value is entered as 0.5 this will create a parabola. (If you enter rho as >0.5 it will create a hyperbola and if <0.5 it will be an elipse).

With a rho value of 0.5 the focus point is the same distance from the curve vertex as the curve vertex point is to the directrix. The directrix is a mirror line behind the curve that at the parabola vertex is the same distance from the back of the curve as the focus is to the front, hence the 0.5 rho factor. (Best to see the sketches below …..).

If you draw a perpendicular line from the directrix to the curve and then from the curve to the focus, then in a true parabola the length of these two lines should be equal. (This is why parabolic shaped dishes are used for radio communication links. In simple terms, any parallel radio waves incident on the dish will have the same reflected propagation distance to travel to arrive at the focus point where the detector device will be located. There is a cumulative addition of the incident waves at the focus. This is the power gain factor achieved by the dish in amplifing the signal.

All good so far ?

The problem I encountered was I could create a random conic parabolic curve using the Fusion function (two end points and vertex using a rho of 0.5) but the paths from the directrix to the curve and the curve to the focus did not match.

Until quite by chance … I had drawn a parabola conic (0.5 rho) where the diameter of the curve (curve peak to curve peak) was twice the vertex peak to the directrix line. Using this ratio always gave me equal path lengths between focus and curve and the curve to directrix.

Conclusion – the conic curve function in Fusion is not necessarily producing the result you might expect of a true parabola shape. I think it is almost certainly to do with the equation of a parabolic curve which the Fusion function is maybe not fully addressing.

Update : Looking back to my amateur radio microwave activity I remember the true focus of a dish was derived from the formula f=D2/16d where D is the dish diameter and d is the depth of the dish. From this you can calculate the focal ratio f/D. For efficient illumination of a centre fed dish the f/D ratio had to lie between 0.3 and 0.45.

By chance my choice of 120mm diameter and 30mm dish depth provides a 30mm focal length and the Fusion conic curve graphing is correct and gives an f/D 0.25. I think for any other f/D ratio the Fusion conic curve will not be an exact match to a true parabola curve (that is the focus to curve and curve to directrix path lengths will not be equal). I think this is because Fusion assumes the focus point is on the same axis as the end points of the conic curve. On this basis any conic curve created in Fusion with an expected rho value of 0.5 (a parabola) must have the directrix positioned at a distance equal to half the distance between the two end points. The conic curve is then ‘pulled back’ to the directrix line and the rho value of 0.5 entered. This could be automated using parametric functions. If the focus is not on the same axis as the curve end points some head scratching will be necessary and any resulting conic curve will not be a true parabola.

A construction related comment.

Never trust the accuracy of a floating Point placed based on just a selected grid position in Fusion. You must dimension lock the Point back to the sketch reference otherwise any resulting sketch using the Point will not be constrained. The parabola sketch is an example. I placed the two end Points for the curve, the curve centre and the directrix centre as my initial sketch postions. Then using the conic curve function clicked on the two curve ends and pulled the vertex back to the directrix point and entered the rho value of 0.5. The curve line immediately came up in black to indicate it was fully constrained. If any of the Points had not been dimension locked, the curve will appear blue – unconstrained.

To conclude this waffle and complete a solid version of the parabola, use the offset command to draw a parallel line behind the parabola curve and then ‘seal’ the end of the two curves with a short line and also add a short centre dividing line. You can now select half of the solid in extrude mode and rotate around the centre line axis to give a complete solid parabola. Here is a step by step process.

Here is the resulting solid parabola. This might be an interesting 3D print …..

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