Further experiments milling PCBs

I have spent many hours CNC milling circuit boards and I have documented my process elsewhere on this blog. The workflow is to first design the board in Fusion Electrical (or any similar CAD package) and export the manufacturing package as Gerber files for the copper artwork and an Excellon file for the drilling information. The manufacturing files can be imported into FlatCAM to convert them to CNC files for milling operations. This is all documented in my various ramblings. Double and single sided board are both accomodated by the FlatCAM software (you just need to get your head around manipulating the artworks).

I have been reasonably happy with the results that I achieve but as ever I tend not to rest with a process which has some niggles. As a result I keep searching for a breakthrough lightbulb moment or at least an interative advancement to make the results more repeatable/easier etc.

The first irritation was the cost of the milling tools I was using. I bought these in from Think and Tinker in the US and they cost around USD20 each for a 5 thou end mill. One careless twitch and your bank account takes a hit.

Let’s take a step back and refresh. The FlatCAM process produces a file that moves the cutter around a copper clad board to leave isolated representations of the copper trackwork. The gap between the wanted trackwork and the rest of the unwanted copper is defined by the width of the milling cutter. FlatCAM allows you to widen the isolating gap by taking additional milling paths side by side to each other with a defined overlap. With a 5 thou cutter I used to take two parallel cuts with a 10% overlap so the resulting gap was 9.5thou. This is a pretty narrow gap. The second time round cut does tend to raise burrs/slivers of copper and these can easily cause a bridge between the wanted and unwanted trackwork.

I make this more difficult for myself as I prefer to tin the copper after milling. (Scrub the copper clean, daub with flux and then deftly swish a soldering iron across the copper). The end result is good but the road to it is fraught. Before tinning, the board needs to be checked for milling shorts and all milling debris removed and scrubbed clean. After the tinning process there will be a number of self induced solder bridging shorts which also have to be cleared. A quick post tinning run round the board with SolderWick is a fast track route to remove these. The process works and the tinned end result looks much better than bare copper.

The first area of my current investigation was the milling tools. Could a larger diameter milling tool be sourced at a price advantage to the US parts and how much larger diameter would be practical to give acceptable artworks. The solution came from APT Tooling who are one of my regular suppliers of tooling. They provide a range of micro milling tools starting from 0.3mm (11.8 thou) and upwards. A single pass at this size would achieve the same isolating gap as the two passes with overlap with the 5 thou parts. Potentially a single path would reduce the swarf debris. APT offer two versions of the micromills with different hardnesses.

My PCB artworks are not high density and with my eyesight constraints I tend to stick with through hole components whenever possible and 40thou trackwork. I ordered in 0.3mm and 0.4mm milling bits (55 HRC versions) and ran the FlatCAM simulations of the 0.4mm isolation routing. The 0.4mm (15.7 thou) had the distinct advantage of creating a wider isolation gap while still allowing inter pin gaps to be cut. Adding a second cut with the same 10% overlap created a very acceptable artwork with a generous isolation gap. FlatCAM is nice in that providing the first pass can cut 100% of the isolation artwork, the second cut automatically truncates cutting gaps that would not be compatible with the artwork and damage the geometry. Here are some FlatCAM simulations

Here are the actual results of an artwork cut as a single 0.4mm cut and as a double cut with 10% overlap. (I terminated the single cut as the resulting partial artwork was enough to make a decision on). Notice that the double cut does leave mini floating islands between wanted trackwork as shown in the simulations. These can be easily removed with a hot soldering iron.

Whenever I get a new supply of PCB material I strip peel a small section and measure the thickness of the copper and the overall thickness of the board. Currently I am using RS single sided board (RS#219-2123) and this measures 2 thou copper and 60 thou overall. With this material I am running a 4 thou depth with a feed rate of 10″ per minute. I run all PCB operations on my Tormach PCNC440 with my home made vacuum plate.

Conclusion – for my level of artwork density I now believe I can get acceptable results using a 0.4mm cutter in either a single cut or overlapping double cut process. The APT 0.4mm tools are much lower cost than the US sourced parts and being larger diameter will hopefully be more robust. To date I have only tried their 55RHC versions. Note I always run both the milling cuts and drilling routines with spray coolant from a Fogbuster with my normal spray coolant (QualiChem Xtreme Cut 250C) . This has the advantage that the fluid enters the cuts and shows as a clear black line when the cut depth is correct or at least deep enough to go through the copper.

If anyone wants more information about my process, please get in touch.

Links to similar or related post are listed below : –

Haimer Taster and vacuum table retrospective thoughts

Today while in the workshop running a CNC metalwork job and then following this with running a quick PCB artwork, the following came to mind.

These days since I bought the ITTP Hallmark probe I rarely use my Haimer Taster to do my referencing.  It still has its uses but less and less so.   A good example is when remounting the CNC vice on the tooling table. I use the Haimer to give me a running check on the vice jaw axis tracking.  Beyond that the ITTP in conjunction with PathPilot probing routines meet all my referencing needs to a level of accuracy that suits.

The other thing that stuck me is how automated my process for milling printed circuit board prototypes has become.   Fusion 360 Electrical module becomes more familiar to me with each passing project. It exports my PCB designs as Gerber files to import into FlatCAM.   After a few clicks in FlatCAM I have a GCode file for drilling and routing.   The PCB blank is gripped on my small vacuum table ready for milling and the ITTP probe references the spindle.   My recent use of kitchen anti-slip material as the sacrificial layer between PCB and vacuum table top surface has made the grip on the vacuum table so much easier to achieve.  The overall PCB process, whether single or double sided, has become quick, easy and repeatable.   Once the board is milled I can get a reasonable looking tinned finish using a hand soldering iron and copious amounts of flux.

Techniques almost subconsciously evolve and sometimes you need to step back and see how far you have come along the road.  The alternative view might be that this ‘lazy man’ has just become even more lazy.

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Dewpoint alarm monitor to help avoid rust issues in the workshop

A Dewpoint Monitor to protect the workshop

I have recently read a number of posts on workshop forums about rust degrading workshop assets.   When the temperature of the air reaches close to the dew point then the moisture in the air will condense on the cold surfaces in the workshop and moisture will inevitably lead to rust forming.

You can protect against this to some extent by ensuring that all exposed surfaces are coated with lubricant of some sort such as WD40 and only dry sources of heat are used in the workshop.   A better protection solution which was popularised by the clockmaker William Smith, is make a 50/50 mix of linseed oil and thinners and coat this on the objects needing protection.  This works well but does not last forever.

Looking around on the internet there are various Arduino projects to create a dewpoint monitor using the DTH11/DTH22 which are combined temperature and moisture probes.  Such devices, with a little bit of maths, can provide an alarm output if the dewpoint reaches close to the air temperature.   This could be used to turn on a heater and raise the air temperature and avoid moisture being deposited.  I opted to have the sensor remote via a cabled connection.

The dew point calculation I used is the Magnus-Tetens formula (Sonntag90).  This provides accurate results (with an uncertainty of 0.35°C) for temperatures ranging from -45°C to 60°C.

The dew point is calculated according to the following formula:

Ts = (bα(T,RH)) / (a – α(T,RH))


Ts is the dew point;
T is the temperature;
RH is the relative humidity of the air;
a and b are coefficients.

The Sonntag90 constant values are : – –

a = 17.62 and b = 243.12°C;

and this is the final formula needed : –

α(T,RH) = ln(RH/100) + aT/(b+T).

I made a prototype using an Arduino Pro Mini as the controller and I used the above equation to calculate the dewpoint from the humidity and temperature readings input to the Arduino from the DTH22 sensor.   Once the dewpoint reaches within a defined limit of the temperature, a relay is closed to allow heaters to be turned on.   This trip point also causes the LCD display flash to warn that a trip point has been reached.

The working circuit was drawn in Fusion Electrical and a printed circuit board layout was created.   Fusion’s Electrical CAM output as Gerber and Epsilon files were converted in FlatCAM to CNC GCode.  The CNC files were than posted to my Tormach PCNC440 to mill the copper traces.

I designed the PCB using through hole components to make assembly easier for my more mature eyesight.

The trigger output from the PCB can feed any 5V coil relay that is rated with contacts capable of feeding the AC voltage and current needed for the heaters.

UPDATE 18/12/2021

Due to demand I have ordered a small quantity of offshore manufactured PCBs for the Dewpoint Monitor.  If you are interested in one then send me an email as per address below.  First come first serve.

UPDATE 1/11/2022

Auto reset code added should the sensor lose connectivity,

New write up is below including the new code

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Vacuum table update for PCB milling

I have mentioned in the past my home made vacuum plate for holding printed circuit board material flat while milling the copper trackwork.   As a technique this works really well and the results are very consistent using 5 and 10 thou miniature milling cutters from Think and Tinker.

When the artwork design needs holes drilling through the PCB material, care has to be taken not to drill through into the aluminium surface of the vacuum table.  To protect the carbide drills and the surface of the vacuum table I use a sheet of 3mm MDF underneath the PCB material to act as a sacrificial  board .  While the MDF is ‘transparent’ to the vacuum suction it does degrade the downward vacuum grip and this has always been a frustration.   If the board does not need through holes then the MDF is not required.

My wife uses an anti-slip perforated rubber sheet on the kitchen sink draining surface.   This is very flexible and looks like a weird cobweb of holes.   It struck me that this could be used as a sacrificial sheet between the PCB material and the vacuum table surface.   The rubbery material is not perfectly flat but is very easily compressed to become consistently flat over a large area.

I begged a sheet of the material from the kitchen ‘sub stores’ and mounted it on the vacuum table with the PCB on top.   I measured the overall depth of the PCB and the mat under vacuum compression to be circa 80 thou and I usually set the depth of cut for drilling to 68 thou.  This looked like it should leave a safety margin to avoid damage to the drilling tool and the vacuum table surface.

Using anti slip rubber sheet as a sacrificial spacer
The rubber mat in place on the vacuum table

The idea worked a treat.   The PCB was very rigidly clamped  in place and no damage was done to the drill bits or the vacuum plate.  Here is an image of the first board being run using this backing material technique.

Test PCB being milled using the rubber sacrificial mat
Test PCB being milled using the rubber sacrificial mat instead of MDF

This looks like a step forward in my PCB milling process and has the added advantage that the rubber sheet can be hand washed afterwards and re-used.

Anyone needing some 3mm MDF ?

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Update on CNC milling printed circuit boards on a homemade vacuum table

Update to the use of FlatCAM to mill PCBs

There are quite a few entries on my blog regarding using FlatCAM to convert PCB design software manufacturing files into CNC code.   I also have mentioned my small home made vacuum table and a floating foot compression device both for holding the PCB blank flat while the milling takes place.

I have revised my original write up to focus on FlatCAM version 8.991 and also pulled together notes on these other techniques.   If you like it let me know.  If there are mistakes also let me know.

FlatCAM and milling pcbs updated notes 2021

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