How to create irregular outline cut paths and board cut outs
Following a request from a subscriber I have edited my FlatCam tutorial document to include a section on how to profile irregular board layouts and boards with cut out areas. The attached ZIP file contains the new version of the write up and a short video clip showing the board outline editing process.
Links to similar or related post are listed below : –
- Further experiments milling PCBs
- Vacuum table update for PCB milling
- Update on CNC milling printed circuit boards on a homemade vacuum table
- Experiences and understanding FlatCAM PCB milling program
- Clamping of printed circuit boards while milling tracks follow up
- A Mini Vacuum Clamping Table for PCB Engraving
- Stretching FlatCam and PCB milling on Tormach PCNC440
- Milling Circuit Boards Update
- FlatCAM Update and experimental copper cutting