While I have been quiet for the last month or so there has been some intensive work by Dave and myself on FlatCAM. We are in the throes of doing a formal document to help others get to grips with the process and techniques for milling circuit boards.
I need to also put my hand up and admit going over to yet another dark side by experimenting with Arduino technology. This came about as a follow on to the work on silencing my Bill Smith Gravity Arm Gearless Clock. With the help of another colleague we have replaced the discrete timer logic board with an Arduino. I have learned quite a bit in the process and more details will follow.
Finally like many others round the world, myself and my wife are socially distancing ourselves at the moment but every cloud has a silver lining and this does mean I am spending even more time in the workshop doing ‘stuff’. It has also been a good time to look at the workshop and make plans to tidy, organise and structure things better. Some of the accumulated odds and ends are getting sifted and sorted and binned as appropriate.
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