Adding thrust bearings to the Myford Super 7 with Clough42 ELS fitted

Some time ago I documented my implementation of the Clough42 Electronic Leadscrew on my Myford Super 7 Big Bore lathe.   I also wrote up adding thrust bearings to the top slide and cross slide adjusters.   What remained outstanding was adding thrust bearings to the leadscrew.  While there is a commercial kit from Hemmingway Kits to install these, my implementation of the ELS involved a direct drive to the leadscrew at the tailstock end of the bed and made things difficult – I ran out of length on the leadscrew.

After considering the situation I opted to retain my ELS drive concept and gain space for the bearings by shaving metal from the Myford leadscrew bracket.  It is not an ideal modification as I am always very reticent about physically changing the structure of my machines.   Despite this I have to say it seems to have paid off and I now have a very stable and repeatable leadscrew feed from the ELS.  Here is a photo of the result.

modification to the leadscrew mounting for adding thrust bearings
The final assembly using the ELS drive concept to the end of the leadscrew and how space was made for thrust bearings to be fitted

I have added details of the modification to the original thrust bearing write up and this can be downloaded as a PDF from the link below.

Myford Super 7 Thrust Bearing Mods including leadscrew

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